Monday, September 23, 2024

Democrat or Republican , We Are All Americans

I hold a conservative/libertarian view and am a very patriotic American. I don't shy from that. Yet, some feel that I am what's wrong with America. Because I stand on my values and refuse to bend the knee to entitled leftists and globalists - Democrats AND Republicans - they would have the nerve to call me "deplorable/irredeemable," a "racist," a "white supremacist" or a "Nazi." Because I and others are labeled those things by people in the media, or by elected officials, there are those who reduce me to less than human. I am maligned as stupid, uneducated, a science denier, and even a domestic terrorist. As a result, they say I am fair game to be denied a right to earn a living, or in the extreme, that I deserve to be punished with physical violence , or even that I don't deserve to live. Because I hold an opinion different than theirs, I deserve this treatment.
What I am is an American, with a wife and children whom I love, and who love me. I am your neighbor. I am a veteran who gave 20+ years of my life to supporting and defending the Constitution, and to defending my fellow countrymen. I am part of a brotherhood with those I served in the military, whether I know them personally not.
What I am not is any of those superlatives that politicians, and the media, recklessly throw around to make me, and others, the bogeyman. It's all so that they can maintain their power.
Stop being manipulated those in high power. The vast, vast majority don't have your best interests at heart, especially those who have made a career of politics. Trusting any of them is madness.
We're all Americans. We have different opinions, but we're all Americans who have a lot more in common with each other than the caricatures that the miscreants in the halls of power paint us with.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

First Things First

 Welcome to my "safe space." Not for you. For me. 

This is a place where I will occasionally vent my frustrations, joys, or other mundane crap going on in my life. I heartily invite you to join in, provided you keep comments respectful to me, others on here, including, and especially, those you disagree with. If you're looking for a political blog, you will find that here. But you'll also find things on just everyday life, random crap that comes into my head, as well as cooking, smoking meats, music, and even thoughts on faith or religion. 

Trigger warning: I subscribe to the philosophy of "facts don't care about your feelings." What you won't find is things wrapped up in a nice little politically correct package. It stifles free speech and debate, and that's one thing I don't tolerate. I speak my mind, but respectfully. 

I spent a good portion of my life on submarines and the saltiness of my tongue is no lie. Beware: I like strong coffee, and sometimes use strong language. And yes, I like my coffee blond and sweet, so bite me!

By the way: DBF!

You can disagree with me and others, but respect is not only requested, it is demanded. I am the final arbiter on this blog. God will judge my fairness at a later date. Hopefully, much later.


In other words: Enjoy, and welcome to my mostly boring, but sometimes crazy, life.

Democrat or Republican , We Are All Americans

I hold a conservative/libertarian view and am a very patriotic American. I don't shy from that. Yet, some feel that I am what's wro...